Workshopy a sympozia

Klinické doporučené postupy – tvorba, adaptace a evaluace

Garance: Radim Líčeník, Katarina Nešťáková, Andrea Pokorná, Jarmila Potomková, Vladimír Mihál

The workshop will focus on the basic principles of creating, adapting, evaluating and implementing clinical practice guidelines. The objectives and characteristics of clinical recommended procedures and best practices for public health will be discussed. The workshop participants will get information about the current state of creation and implementation of clinical practice guidelines in Czechia and Slovakia. Practical lessons will exemplify best practices in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and paediatrics.

Integrace modalit s nízkou a vysokou úrovní věrnosti pro maximalizaci pedagogické hodnoty výukových medicínských simulačních center

Garance: Pracovní skupiny projeků WAVES a SIMU

Careful integration of low- and hi-fidelity simulation modalities can lead to maximization of the pedagogical value of complex simulation centers which are nowadays often designed, built or recently launched. The integration can be achieved by incorporating different modalities into the curriculum at the time of maximum relevance. Frequently, the hi-fidelity simulations are standalone facilities manifesting poor integration into the earlier stages of a medical curriculum and often lacking integration to simpler tools, such as interactive virtual scenarios (e.g. virtual patients – VPs) which can facilitate exploring clinical management at earlier stages in the curriculum. This workshop will guide the participants through various types of medical simulation modalities and demonstrate the advantages of the relatively high-contact & low-cost simulations such as VPs to maximize overall value both financially and pedagogically, by teaching clinical management, decision-making, and training against medical error, early in the curriculum structure.

During the workshop, different approaches to the employment of simulation modalities will be presented in multiple case studies and the presentations will be accompanied by explanations detailing the pros and cons. The approaches differ mainly in two aspects: (i) the level of simulation modalities integration, (ii) the mode of participation (individual/group). The workshop participants will work and discuss in teams, aiming at a SWOT analysis of their own integration idea.

WAVES (Widening Access to Virtual Educational Scenarios) is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project, which combines skill-sets of both academic and enterprise partners to make Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) more accessible to a wide range of professions. Embedding SBL activities directly into learning platforms and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) forms one of the project development highlights. Such integration provides renewed pedagogic value and ease-of-use to learners through improved integration, progress monitoring, and the delivery of feedback. By embedding SBL, MOOCs will enable development of real world skills, competency and experience rather than knowledge.

SIMU (The Simulation Centre of Masaryk University) project aims at upgrading the medical education organized by MU. SIMU will help to revise the curricula of General Medicine and Dentistry study programs. Implementation of planned modifications will enhance the practical part of teaching process due to the inclusion of a comprehensive range of simulation modalities, namely high-fidelity mannequins, virtual patients and standardized patients. An emphasis will be also placed on the development of soft skills, highlighting 21st century skills such as communication, decision-making, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, crisis communication and teamwork.

Sympozium: Analýza využitelnosti evropských příkladů dobré praxe v oblasti aktivního a zdravého stárnutí

Garance: Zdeněk Gütter

The project “Applicability analysis of European examples of good practices in the domain of active and healthy ageing” has been initiated with respect to the increasing life expectancy and a growing prevalence of chronic illnesses. Attention must be paid to these trends from the point of view of the entire society and with regard to sustainability of healthcare systems in EU countries. Ageing populations of EU countries are a consequence of successful healthcare systems: mortality reduction and growing numbers of healthy older people are benefits of this development. The aim of the project is to bring the examples of innovative good practices in terms of care provided to ageing populations with chronic diseases from abroad to the Czech Republic and to recommend implementation possibilities in the specific conditions of Czech healthcare.

The symposium provide examples of good practices using ICT tools to provide health and social care to chronically ill patients and older people. The symposium will present the methodology for the evaluation of good practices with respect to their potential implementation in the specific environment of healthcare and social care in the Czech Republic. Various areas in which the Czech Republic is different from other European countries in terms of implementation of ICT tools into clinical practice will also be discussed. Among others, the discussion will involve economic efficiency and objective assessment of investments to the equipment that is needed for a good practice, subsequent maintenance of either the entire system or individual equipment etc. The discussion will also cover topics such as payments to health insurance companies abroad, based on whether or not the provided care is a standard of care etc.

One part of the workshop will be devoted to legislative definitions used in the Czech healthcare system that are closely related to the ethics of healthcare in connection with the areas of social medicine, such as the geographical availability of health care, mutual integration of healthcare and social care, specific prevalence of diseases in the Czech population, the current model of healthcare or the range of good practice with regard to the number of patients with specific diseases and conditions in the Czech Republic. The technical part of the workshop will be focused on technical requirements in the implementation of good practice, which is important due to the absence of e-health or shared electronic patient records in the Czech Republic. We will also discuss issues regarding the strategy of eHealth in the Czech Republic and compliance with standards such as Dasta or HL7, or technical compatibility with ICT infrastructure. From the security point of view, one part of the workshop will be devoted to the issue of personal data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which has been developed relatively recently.

The discussion will also focus on the evaluation of viability of particular GPs in cases where it is possible to use the “Health Technology Assessment” (HTA) methodology. The MAST methodology (Model for Assessment of Telemedicine) was proposed for ICT-based telemedicine systems in Europe. MAST enables multidisciplinary evaluation of telemedicine applications in seven domains (characteristics in the context of the disease, safety, clinical efficacy, patient perspective, economic effects, organisational aspects and social, ethical and legal aspects).

In practice, the MAST methodology will not necessarily guarantee the successful implementation of a specific eHealth service. That is the reason why the European project Momentum has proposed a set of 18 success factors that are a prerequisite for a successful deployment of telemedicine services. These factors are also included in the GPs’ analysis of viability in the specific environment of the Czech healthcare system.