Zvané přednášky

Konference MEFANET nabídne i letos atraktivní plenární sekce a odborné workshopy, kterých se tradičně účastní významní odborníci a experti z daných oblastí.

Řečnící v plenárních sekcích

Luke Woodham

Luke Woodham

Univerzita St George, Londýn

Luke Woodham je celosvětově uznávaným odborníkem v oblasti multimediálních aplikací a virtuálních prostředí v medicínském vzdělávání.

Using Self-Assessment Virtual Patients on Mobile Devices

Having used virtual patients (VPs) widely in their medical curriculum, St George's, University of London (SGUL) has developed an application for mobile devices to provide self-assessment VPs that complement group sessions. This presentation will describe the app and explain the educational reasoning underpinning its design, as well as summarising the feedback received. The benefits that it provides for learners will be described, along with a discussion of the practical and technological considerations that have to be addressed when creating such a resource, and the ways that technical standards for educational content are able to assist with this process.

Adrian Raudaschl

Adrian Raudaschl

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Medmosis, UK

Adrian Raudaschl je odborníkem na medicínské vzdělávání a v současné době se zabývá vývojem nových aplikací pro mobilní zařízení, které lze právě při výuce medicíny vužít.

Gamification of Medical Education

Application of game mechanics to medical education to improve attention, engagement and retention of medical learning material in a mobile application. The aim was to combine the principles of test-enhanced learning i.e. repeated testing of educational material combined with relevant feedback to improve student comprehension and retention, with game mechanics in medical education. Game mechanics such as attractive interfaces, timing, short and long term goals and online competition are utilized by the games industry to promote user engagement and frequent voluntary play.

Martin Vejražka

Martin Vejražka

1. LF UK

Martin Vejražka pracuje jako odborný asistent na Ústavu lékařské biochemie 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Vyučuje lékařskou chemii, biochemii a patobiochemii. Ve výzkumu se věnuje reaktivním formám kyslíku, zejména pak jejich úloze v buněčné signalizaci. Kromě toho působí ve Všeobecné fakultní nemocnici v Praze jako sekundář na 1. interní klinice.

Modern teaching approaches in the mirror of Comenius' ideas

In the seventeenth century, John Amos Comenius formulated five principles that teachers should follow in their work: the principle of clarity - the learner should gain a direct experience; principle of consistency - curriculum should well organized, linked and balanced, both within and between subjects; principle of vigorousness - new skills should be obtained by direct experience and should be practically exploited; principle of permanence - repetition of competencies is essential; and the principle of proportionality - training should be adequate to capabilities of students. Comenius also stressed that learning should be amusing and that students should learn each other.